2011년 5월 2일 월요일

Your Friend is sharing the "RIM announces BlackBerry OS 7" article with you.

Check out: "RIM announces BlackBerry OS 7" - www.engadget.com http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/02/rim-announces-blackberry-os-7/?icid=engadget-iphone-url
The BB OS 6.1 update that grew too big for its name has just been made official by RIM as BlackBerry OS 7. Its ambassador into the wide world of smartphones will be the newly minted BlackBerry Bold Touch, which is expected to arrive "this summer." What can you look forward to? The user experience is promised to be both easier and faster, voice-activated searches are available for content both on your phone and the web, and the browser has been "significantly enhanced" with new features like a JIT (just-in-time) JavaScript compiler and HTML5 Video support. BlackBerry Balance is also part of the new OS, allowing you to compartmentalize your personal and professional lives into neat and separate piles of content.


This article came from the Engadget iPhone App, which features everything from the latest smartphone news, to reviews and hands-on looks at laptops, HDTVs, gaming, and more. To learn more about the app or download it go here: http://www.engadget.com/downloads/iphone

Dong Kuk Park

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