2011년 7월 19일 화요일

@minist, 11. 7. 20. 오전 5:52

박수민 / Soo Min Park (@minist)
11. 7. 20. 오전 5:52
윈도폰 7의 고객 만족도가 안드로이드를 추월,2위로. 1위는 70%가 매우 만족한다고 한 iOS,윈도폰 7이 57%,안드로이드 50%,블랙베리 26%,윈도모바일 14% 순. 아직 iOS가 절대적으로 우위. http://j.mp/r8zBHF

Dong Kuk Park

2011년 7월 8일 금요일

Latest Android stats shows Froyo still on top, Honeycomb still below 1%


Google recently released the most up to date Android version stats for the last two weeks ending on July 5th, and while there are now a few new API levels to look at, the report remains largely the same from previous months. While Android 2.2 Froyo remains the most used version of the OS, Gingerbread is on the rise and Honeycomb still struggles to gain 1% of all devices.

The four versions of Gingerbread (2.3, 2.3.2 & 2.3.3, 2.3.4) have been divided up by API levels 9 and 10. Collectively, the Gingerbread branch consists of 17.7% of all devices now but we can assume that this will be the fastest growing version of the next couple of months, namely API level 10. Android 2.2 Froyo still holds almost 60% of all devices and has begun its decent, albeit slowly.

Android 1.5 – 2.1 still collectively holds over 20% of all devices, which is still a decent amount considering Android 2.1 was announced in January of 2010 with the Nexus One launch. Users still running on anything below Froyo should really consider upgrading. Even the LG Optimus One will be receiving the Gingerbread bump, so you have a budget option to rid yourself of anything below 2.2.

Honeycomb has still yet to grab a full 1% of Android devices but this isn't much of a surprise. With a million handsets activated every other day, most of which are not tablets, Google's latest version of Android will likely take quite a while to gain some ground. Consider that there are only a few Honeycomb tablets worth buying today and it becomes all too clear.

In the coming months we'll likely begin to see Froyo's dominance wane and Gingerbread flying sky-high, as most new handsets today ship with at least Android 2.3. That said, once Gingerbread becomes the dominant version of the OS Ice Cream Sandwich will appear and the cycle continues.

[Via: AndroidDevelopers]


Latest Android stats shows Froyo still on top, Honeycomb still below 1% originally appeared on IntoMobile.com on 2011-07-08T20:35:22Z. FV1gMYsz9b5j

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DK Park from iPad2

LG Fails To Excite Smartphone Buyers

LG's handsets haven't gained traction in the competitive smartphone market, forcing the company to drastically reduce sales targets for the year.

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DK Park from iPad2

ABI Research Teardown: Samsung Galaxy S II Shows New Design Approach Including Exynos Dual-Core Processor | Press Release | ABI Research

ABI Research Teardown: Samsung Galaxy S II Shows New Design Approach Including Exynos Dual-Core Processor

NEW YORK - July 7, 2011

This spring, Samsung launched the Galaxy S II, a new flagship member of its Android smartphone lineup. As part of its new Teardown Research Service, ABI Research has dismantled, analyzed, and tested the device down to the component level. The conclusion? If you are looking to keep up with the latest technology in 2011, the Galaxy S II is a good place to start.

Samsung Galaxy IC.jpg

According to ABI Research vice president of engineering James Mielke,  "Samsung started from scratch with this phone: almost every component is new. Its application processor is the most powerful on the market at present. It is the first to use the Samsung Exynos 4210 dual-core application processor (a competitor to NVIDIA's dual-core Tegra 2). The name Exynos combines Greek words for 'smart' and 'green,' indicating Samsung's energy-efficiency goals for the design."

Major changes include:

  • Exynos dual-core apps processor. 118.8 mm2 die size with amperage specs roughly similar to the Tegra 2.
  • New single-packaged multi-band multi-mode PA from RFMD.
  • New CMOS-based antenna switch.
  • New lower-power XMM6260 cellular chipset from Infineon.

Mielke sums up: "Samsung took many risks by combining all these new technologies into one phone. But ABI Research believes those risks will pay off; the Galaxy S II sets a new benchmark for almost every category on which a smartphone is measured."

ABI Research's "Samsung Galaxy S II Teardown" report provides detailed photos, process evaluation, and part descriptions for all of the major components such as power amplifier, power management, baseband processor, RF, Bluetooth, GPS, WiLAN, and many discretes. Tying all this information together are unique circuit board photos, performance measurements, cost information, and board area data.

It is one of hundreds of devices and components – phones, baseband processors, power management, RF modules, connectivity components, application processors, sensors, and RF and power management discretes – that are torn down and analyzed in the firm's Mobile Device Teardown Service.

ABI Research provides in-depth analysis and quantitative forecasting of trends in global connectivity and other emerging technologies. From offices in North America, Europe and Asia, ABI Research's worldwide team of experts advises thousands of decision makers through 40+ research and advisory services. Est. 1990. For more information visit www.abiresearch.com, or call +1.516.624.2500.​

DK Park from iPad2

2011년 7월 7일 목요일


애플, 앱스토어 150억 다운로드로 얼마 벌었나

[지디넷코리아] 애플 앱스토어를 통해 배포된 애플리케이션(이하 '앱)'이 누적 150개를 넘어섰다. 그간 애플이 벌어들인 유료 앱 판매 수수료는 1조1천억원 이상으로 추정된다.

애플은 7일(현지시간) 앱스토어 누적 다운로드 횟수가 150억 이상이며 그간 발생한 개발자들 수익이 25억달러(약 2조6천612억원) 이상이라고 밝혔다.

애플은 유료 앱 판매 수익 가운데 수수료 30%를 떼고 개발자들에게 70%를 돌려 준다. 애플이 앱 개발자들에게 앱 판매 수익으로 25억달러를 돌려줬다면, 이 회사는 수수료만으로 10억7천만달러(약 1조1천352억원) 이상을 벌어들인 셈이다.
또 앱스토어 개발자들은 연간 등록비 99달러를 내고 아이폰이나 아이패드용 개발툴을 합법적으로 설치할 수 있는 맥 운영체제(OS) 기반 컴퓨터를 최소 한 번은 사야 한다. 기업들이 자체 앱을 배포하기 위해 연간 299달러를 내고 자사 개발자들에게 맥 컴퓨터를 여러대 사줘야 한다는 점을 고려할 때 애플의 수익은 훨씬 늘어난다.

다만 애플은 현재 등록한 개발자 규모를 밝히지 않고 있다. 지난 2009년 9월말 12만5천명이 가입해 있다고 전한 바 있다. 당시 등록된 앱은 8만5천개, 누적다운로드 수치는 20억회였다. 애플은 150억 다운로드를 넘어선 현재 앱스토어에 등록된 앱이 42만5천여개라고 밝혔다.

앱스토어는 지난 2008년 7월 문을 열었다. 10억 다운로드가 발생한 시점은 개장 9개월만인 2009년 4월이다. 또 지난해 6월께 총 50억회를 달성했다. 14개월동안 40억 다운로드가 늘어난 셈이다. 여기에 50억번이 추가되는 데 걸린 기간은 7개월뿐이었다. 올해 1월 100억회를 넘었던 것이다. 다운로드 누적 속도는 계속 빨라졌다.

한편 경쟁사 구글은 지난 5월 안드로이드마켓이 누적 앱 다운로드 45억회를 넘어섰으며 60일마다 10억번씩 늘고 있다고 밝혔다. 미국 씨넷은 안드로이드마켓이 애플을 맹렬한 기세로 추격중이라고 평했다.

▶ IT 세상을 바꾸는 힘 <메가뉴스>,
▶ IT뉴스는 <지디넷코리아>, 게임트렌드는 <게임스팟코리아>
▶ 스마트폰으로 읽는 실시간 IT뉴스 <모바일지디넷>
[저작권자ⓒ메가뉴스 & ZDNet & CNET. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

Dong Kuk Park

2011년 7월 6일 수요일

[매일경제] MS "삼성, 스마트폰 로열티 내라"

애플과 특허 전쟁을 벌이고 있는 삼성이 이번에는 마이크로소프트(MS) 기술특허 `암초`를 만났다. 삼성전자는 올 3분기 중 MS에 거액의 로열티를 지급하는 내용의 라이선스 계약을 체결할 것으로 알려졌다.

세계 최대의 안드로이드폰 제조사인 삼성전자는 MS 측에 적게는 수백억 원의 로열티를 분기마다 지급할 처지에 놓였다. 안드로이드 운영체제(OS)를 사용해 스마트폰을 만드는 LG전자와 팬택도 비슷한 상황을 맞고 있다.

6일 전자업계와 증권업계에 따르면 MS는 2010년 초 삼성전자 측에 MS가 보유한 안드로이드 OS 관련 원천기술을 사용하는 대가로 삼성 안드로이드폰 1대당 10달러의 로열티를 지급하라고 요구했다. 구글의 안드로이드 OS는 누구나 이용할 수 있는 오픈 소프트웨어지만 이와 연관된 여러 원천기술 특허를 MS가 소유하고 있기 때문이다.

MS는 이미 세계 2위 안드로이드폰 제조업체인 대만 HTC로부터 안드로이드폰 1대당 5달러의 로열티를 받는 것으로 지난해 4월 합의했다.

삼성전자는 이 같은 MS 요구에 대해 난색을 표하며 저항해왔지만 결국 적정 선에서 로열티를 지급하는 것으로 타협할 전망이다.

전자업계 고위 관계자는 "삼성 측에서 완강히 반대하자 MS가 스마트폰 1대당 15달러의 로열티를 삼성에 요구하며 강하게 압박했다는 얘기를 들었다"며 "HTC가 MS 윈도폰을 제작하는 조건으로 로열티 지급 단가를 낮춘 것처럼 삼성도 MS와의 협력을 모색하면서 단가를 낮추려 할 것"이라고 말했다.

삼성전자는 올해 1분기에 1260만대의 스마트폰을 국내외에 판매했다. 이 중 안드로이드폰 비중이 90% 안팎인 점을 감안하면 분기당 1100만대 이상의 안드로이드폰을 판매하는 셈이다.

대당 로열티가 5달러라면 분기별 로열티 지급액은 600억원을 넘는다. 대당 10달러면 1200억원이 넘는 거액이다.

증권가의 한 관계자는 "삼성전자 스마트폰 판매수익에 영향을 줄 수 있는 규모"라며 "이러한 로열티 지급이 2분기 실적부터 반영될 가능성을 배제할 수 없다"고 내다봤다.

[황인혁 기자 / 김대원 기자]

원문 기사 보러 가기

From 매일경제 for iPhone

Dong Kuk Park

2011년 7월 5일 화요일

LG 제로클라이언트, 대학 고객 첫 확보 - 비즈니스 혁신의 동반자 CIO BIZ+


Dong Kuk Park

Apple beats RIM is U.S. market share, Android above both

Apple outpaces RIM; Android outpaces both

The latest numbers have come out from comScore and it has some revealing stats about the state of the U.S. smartphone market. Basically, Apple and Android are winners while RIM and Microsoft are the losers.

Perhaps helped by the Verizon iPhone, Apple iOS was able to surpass RIM's BlackBerry OS in overall market share. Apple claimed 26.6 percent of the market while RIM had 24.7 percent, a 4.2 percent drop from February of 2011 (note: the comScore numbers deal with March 2011 figures). This is just the latest bad piece of news for RIM, as the company has been hammered by anonymous letters from employees which don't express much confidence.

While other reports say Android isn't growing as quickly as it once did, it's still far and away the leading platform in the United States with 38.1 percent of the market. Google is activating half a million Android units a day now, so don't expect that momentum to slow down anytime soon. The growth rate may not be as fast as it once was but it's very difficult to grow from a massive user base as opposed to growing from nothing.

Microsoft's Windows Phone doesn't appear to be gaining much traction, as the report said it had 5.8 percent of the market, a decrease from the previous month. Windows Phone Mango will add a bunch of new features and should arrive on new hardware, so maybe that will give it a bump.

The comScore report also said that Palm (HP now) has 2.4 percent of the market and I find it funny because Palm's Jon Rubinstein used to say that it could succeed with about that percentage of the overall market. That didn't work. Still, with HP pushing webOS hard and devices like the Pre 3 coming out soon, webOS may gain some more traction over the next few months.

[Via comScore, photo]

Apple beats RIM is U.S. market share, Android above both originally appeared on IntoMobile.com on 2011-07-05T21:48:26Z. FV1gMYsz9b5j

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DK Park from iPad2

Qualcomm Snapdragon roadmap leaks, Krait slithering on the scene soon

Qualcomm Roadmap
We've gotten a few peeks at Qualcomm's next-gen Snapdragon chips, codenamed Krait, but now we've got a proper roadmap, including time frames for release, model numbers, and even details about the memory channels. Glancing at the slide above doesn't reveal anything terribly surprising -- the dual-core 8960 (LTE), 8270 (HSPA), and 8260A (HSPA+) will all be shipping to manufacturers later this quarter, in speeds ranging from 1.5GHz to 1.7GHz and come packing the latest Adreno 225 GPU. In Q3 of next year Qualcomm's 28nm tech will trickle down from the high-end to mid-range phones, just ahead of the launch of those quad-core, 2GHz mobile monsters the company teased back in February. Check out the full PDF presentation at the source for more nitty-gritty details.

[Thanks, Gadgeteer]

Qualcomm Snapdragon roadmap leaks, Krait slithering on the scene soon originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 05 Jul 2011 18:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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DK Park from iPad2

Five Lessons from Research-in-Motion's Meltdown

Tech brands rise and fall, but few falls are harder than Research-in-Motion's. Here are some lessons to learn from its recent missteps.

by Kevin Kelleher, contributor

FORTUNE -- In the hyper-competitive world of mobile technology, you're only as good as your latest innovations. So brands rise and fall with surprising speed. But even by those accelerated standards, the fall of Research-in-Motion (RIMM) this year has been sudden and brutal.

RIM's stock has fallen more than 50% since Febriary, and its share of the U.S. smartphone market has dropped to 24% from 34% in the past 18 months. The Blackberry used to be the most coveted mobile phone until the arrival of the Apple's (AAPL) iPhone and phones powered by Google's (GOOG) Android software. Competing with those companies is hard enough, but RIM's management has made several serious missteps this year that have turned its decline into a full-on corporate meltdown. It's a case study in how not to handle a crises, starting with these five lessons.

Don't make promises you can't keep. On April 28, RIM said it expected to earn a net profit of $7.50 a share in its current fiscal year, citing new Blackberry products that would arrive later in the year. Some analysts questioned this bullish guidance, estimating an EPS figure closer to $6. And sure enough, when RIM announced its first-quarter earnings, it revised its guidance down to a range between $5.25 a share and $6 a share.

What happened? RIM pinned its bullish hopes on Blackberry projects in had in the works, but then had to delay their releases. Upgrades to the Blackberry Torch and Storm models will come in late summer, much later than expected. In 2011, a delayed smartphone is a smartphone that's dead in the water. On the news, RIM's stock fell 27% to its lowest point in nearly five years.

Don't release half-baked products either. The smartphone delays coincided with a bumpy release of RIM's tablet, the Playbook. Reviewers who tested the Playbook in development had a lot of early praise for it. But once it was released, the reviews turned mixed. Most worrisome, the Playbook launched without the email service that makes its smartphones so attractive to many users.  As a result, initial sales started strong and fell off quickly. The Playbook ended up feeling like it had been rushed to market to compete with the iPad.

It's better to court developers than to alienate them. At the end of the day, a mobile platform is only as good as the developers writing for it. Even before HP (HPQ) bought Palm, webOS was a fine operating system, but it failed to draw a critical mass of developers. Despite RIM's strength in the enterprise market, developers have been fleeing its plaform for iOS and Android. RIM tried to remedy this by announcing it would support Android apps, but this may be backfiring. There are signs that this move is driving developers away from RIM's new QNX platform, which powers the Playbook.

Don't attack the messenger. And don't take the message personally. After the tech-news site Boy Genius Report printed an anymous but verified "open-letter" by a RIM executive, the company replied with its own anonymous blog post. RIM was right to respond to the letter, but so wrong in it its handling of it. The open letter had sensible ideas, even if they were hard for RIM's leadership to swallow: Admit that Apple is "nailing" smartphones, focus on consumers and not carriers and consider a "fresh-thinking, experienced" CEO.

RIM's reply was one of the most hamfisted PR moves in recent memory. It blithely dismissed the open-letter's suggestions with a declaration of denial. ("RIM is fully aware of and aggressively addressing both the company's challenges and its opportunities.") Even worse, it took some ad-hominem swipes, suggesting the author was "fake" or had "ulterior motivations." That inspired a dozen other impassioned criticisms from current and former RIM employees.

Dead air would have been a better response: RIM ended up looking arrogant and even more out of touch.

Don't take loyalty for granted. This is the lesson underscoring all the others. Only a couple of years ago, RIM had built up an enviable degree of loyalty among consumers, employees and investors. It was positioned to win over developers as well. But its moves in the past several months are eroding all of that good will.

All that loyalty could have made a turnaround quick and painless. Instead it's frittering that good will away. And it's not really clear what the company is getting in return.

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DK Park from iPad2

Apple iPad accounts for 1% of web traffic

Apple iPad accounts for 1% of web traffic

If you were wondering if the Apple iPad is a fad or not, you should know that the folks at NetMarketShare said the Apple tablet accounts for more than 1 percent of the global web traffic and 2.1 percent of all U.S. traffic.

While that may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, it does show that the Apple iPad is growing in popularity and indicates how it is being used. For comparison, that same report said that Linux only accounted for .71 percent of that same traffic.

I'm not sure if these Apple iPad numbers are part of a larger overall trend, as we don't know if other tablets can be as successful. Things like the PlayBook and Motorola Xoom appear to the have modest sales numbers so far but nothing coming even close to what Apple has been shipping. It may also see another sales boost later this year if the rumored iPad 3 does land later this year.

[Via Mashable

Apple iPad accounts for 1% of web traffic originally appeared on IntoMobile.com on 2011-07-05T22:21:50Z. FV1gMYsz9b5j

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DK Park from iPad2

BlackBerry’s Blues Continue as Platform Falls to Third Place

It's another humiliating day for Research In Motion. The company's BlackBerry, which once owned 55% of the smartphone market, has now fallen to third place with less than a quarter share, according to comScore.

To make matters worse, BlackBerry's share seems to be falling pretty quickly. In February, RIM was number two in the market with 28.9%, based on an average of the previous three months. By May, RIM's share had dropped 4.2% to 24.7%, behind Apple's iOS with 26.6% and Google's Android platform with 38.1%.

RIM's platform held a number one ranking in 2009. But by the first quarter of 2010, iPhones and Android handsets had cut into that share with a combined 49% of the market, compared to 41% for RIM.

The latest news follows a woeful June for RIM, which saw its market value drop 20% after a poor earnings report and forecast. And it was conspicuously silent as Apple and Google announced new features for their platforms early that month.

One reason for BlackBerry's decline: lack of app support, which has been exacerbated by RIM's frequent API changes and the fact that users often have to pay a higher price for BlackBerry apps than they do for the same apps on iOS or Android.

More About: android, apple, blackberry, ComScore, Google, iphone, RIM

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DK Park from iPad2