2011년 5월 24일 화요일

Top US Wireless Carrier Metrics Q1 2011 (ranking by subscribers, retail + wholesale)

Top US Wireless Carrier Metrics Q1 2011 (ranking by subscribers, retail + wholesale)
 CarrierSubscribers (millions)Net Adds (millions) Churn
Data %
of Service
1Verizon Wireless 104.0221.7761.31%$14,31138.1% $51.88
2 AT&T 97.5191.9841.36%$13,96136.6% $48.15
3 Sprint Nextel* 50.7611.1112.52%$6,649n/a $48.44
4 T-Mobile USA 33.635-0.0993.40%$4,63028.6% $45.82
5 MetroPCS 8.8810.7263.10%$1,050n/a $40.42
6 Clearwire** 6.1481.7651.76%$246100.0% $15.58
7 US
6.033-0.0391.83%$985n/a $54.29
8Leap Wireless 5.8490.3313.10%$678n/a $39.35
9 Cellular South ***n/a     
10ATN0.674-0.0444.29%$144n/a $47.23
11Cincinnati Bell0.504-0.0053.17%$65 29.1% $42.78
12Ntelos0.430-0.0033.54% $9828.6% $50.80
Subscribers include retail and wholesale connections of both traditional and new connected device categories (e.g. M2M)
*Sprint Nextel subscribers and net adds excluding estimated number of affiliate subscribers, but including wholesale; service revenues excluding wholesale and affiliate
**Clearwire subscribers and net adds include wholesale subs outside current 4G network coverage area, but from whom Clearwire receives nominal revenue, in addition to approx 40,000 subscribers in international markets. Revenues/ARPUs are pro-forma results, which include some Q1 wholesale revenue which will be recorded in Q2.
***Cellular South is a private company and does not reveal its metrics, estimated to have c. 900,000 subscribers
Source: Strategy Analytics, based on carrier reports

DK Park from iPad2

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