2011년 4월 27일 수요일

Your Friend is sharing the "HP TouchPad hits the FCC" article with you.

Check out: "HP TouchPad hits the FCC" - www.engadget.com http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/26/hp-touchpad-hits-the-fcc/?icid=engadget-iphone-url
Much of the report expectedly remains confidential, but HP was at least kind enough to repeatedly mention "TouchPad" in its latest FCC filing, which saves us a bit of digging, and presumably means that the webOS tablet remains on track for a US launch fairly soon -- sometime in June, last we heard. Might it also get a few more cloud-based additions before then? Perhaps HP will have more to say at its Veer-focused event that's already scheduled for May 2nd.

Source: FCC


This article came from the Engadget iPhone App, which features everything from the latest smartphone news, to reviews and hands-on looks at laptops, HDTVs, gaming, and more. To learn more about the app or download it go here: http://www.engadget.com/downloads/iphone

Dong Kuk Park

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