2011년 6월 8일 수요일

Waiting for a taste of the iCloud? Check your iPhone

Waiting for a taste of the iCloud? Check your iPhone

By Brian Heater posted 6월 7, 2011 8:06오전

The waiting, a great man once said, is the hardest part. And while seeing all of today's WWDC promisescome to fruition will certainly take patience, iPhone owners can take some solace in the fact that the updates have already begun. At least a portion of the new functionality is now available by opening up the "Purchased" tab in iOS 4's App Store, revealing a history of apps that have been downloaded with your account, including those not currently on your device. Those not presently installed will feature a cloud icon, making it possible to re-download them onto the handset. It's not quite iOS 5, sure, but it's a start.

[Thanks everyone who sent this in]

DK Park from iPad2

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